Personal update (+ the power of investing in yourself!)

March 14, 2018 / / Uncategorized

Today, I have a personal update for you. 🙂

Last month, I officially graduated from the 2-year Universal Health Principles™ program.

In this program, we became certified in giving UHP sessions, which help the body to heal physical and emotional imbalances. I received these sessions for years and now I’m able to support others with this powerful healing tool.

Not only did I want to learn how to give these sessions to others — I really signed on to the program as a way to advance my own personal development and growth.

Taking part in this program has given me more physical & emotional self-awareness, more energy, and more peace. I feel better in my body and daily life. And as the mother of a teenage daughter, taking better care of myself has allowed me to better support my daughter — which is priceless.

This 2-year journey culminated with our recent graduation, which felt like a great accomplishment. And now… my educational journey in mind-body medicine has just begun. I’m excited to continue learning in things like herbs and Chinese medicine.

In addition to graduating UHP… I just had another exciting milestone: my story has been featured in a best-selling author’s new book!

For years I worked with a health coach named Robyn Youkilis. Now she is a best-selling author and has even been featured on The View.

In my work with Robyn, I had huge transformations in my health — and even my family’s. (How exciting that my teenage daughter now actually WANTS to eat kale!)

When Robyn first approached me about sharing my story, I was scared. I felt like I was exposing myself by sharing my health journey in a very public way.

But ultimately, I decided to share — because you never know who your story can help.

Now, Robyn’s new book, Thin From Within, has been released. It was scary and hard to read my story in print. But if my story could encourage someone else that’s pretty remarkable.

I’d encourage anyone else struggling with health problems or food challenges to check out Robyn’s book. It can be an amazing resource for you. She’s been a health guide for me over the years.

From these experiences, I can say — by taking time to invest in your personal or professional growth, it can pay off in your life tenfold. Whether you want support with your health, career goals, or productivity — investing in support can be one of the best decisions you make!

Til next time,

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