On Taking Risks (Your Idea Just Might Soar!)

May 24, 2017 / / Uncategorized

Recently, I finished leading my first online course in my company Platinum PR.

Platinum PR helps organizations in the Economic Development and Tourism industries. Until now, my company has been completely one-on-one service-based. Meanwhile, I’ve been a student and participant in many online courses over the past few years (ranging from business to health and wellness), and found them so valuable. I wanted to lead a course myself where I could help more people than I can reach one-on-one!

I’ve had the opportunity teach in live in-person settings (traditional classroom or conference settings) and I wanted something that was more accessible and affordable. I wanted something that would stretch over a realistic period of time so the participants could take the information learned and put the knowledge into action immediately.

And that’s what I was able to do with my new course!

Leading this also gave me the opportunity to employ the freedom and flexibility of being an entrepreneur and to utilize a team of talented people to help me reach those goals.

While a participant might just see the final product, what they don’t know is everything that goes into it! I spent months leading up to the launch reaching out to my target audience and getting to know their needs, brainstorming the product I wanted to create, and going through multiple titles of the program. And then there was the launching and creating of the course!

When I look back now, it’s so exciting for me to say… I did it! I had a dream and idea in my mind, and I made it happen. It was so fulfilling to show up for my weekly classes and share the information I know that can help others grow and succeed in their organizations. I also got to strengthen my skills and abilities as a teacher and presenter — and discover how much I enjoyed it!

If you’re thinking about trying something new and different yourself, I’m here to say — don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and go for it!

We’re all “selling ourselves” whether it’s at a job for an employer or providing a one-on-one service. It may require putting yourself out there and marketing yourself, but what could happen if you just try?

It’s fun and empowering for me to know that if I have an idea and I want to make it happen, all I have to do is work at it. It could flop… but it could also soar! And that potential is exciting!

What idea have you had on the backburner? Is it time for you to take a chance, and put it out there? It just might soar!

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